Sunday, 9 January 2011

Do Labour not quite comprehend the mess they’ve left behind through their public overspending and immense naivety throughout the economic boom?

I was browsing the internet earlier today, looking for some political provocation for thought and a little stimulation for my next blog post when I came across this:

An article on non other than the so called “oppositions website” although, being a fair person I enjoy reading what those that have somewhat more left wing political views have to say for themselves.

The article seriously angered me for various reasons. Firstly it seems that Labour are trying to state that the current economic situation is not their fault, which in my eyes is not a particularly realistic claim. After all if anyone is to bear the brunt of the blame it has to be Gordon Brown with his huge public spending increase right?

It is important at this stage to look at the economic crisis as a whole, indeed it occurred on a global scale and I am certainly not saying that Labour are responsible for the entirety of the situation, because, certain events would have undoubtedly happened regardless of the decisions Labour made. However it was the way in which they reacted to the situation that caused the most harm.

But for people to criticise Cameron and Osborne for making cuts and trying to install a sense of some security within our economic system is unacceptable. Of course nothing is going to happen immediately and it will take years for our economy to recover from such a insurmountable deficit, but the media and especially the labour party need to give the Tories chance to at least try and implement changes. Unfortunately cuts are necessary and nobody is supposed to like or relish in such changes but they are for the benefit of our long term economic growth and recovery.

I mean its not like the labour party would be doing a better job if they were in power at such a time…